Wednesday, July 4, 2007

روياي دست نيافتني من

صدايت خنده‌ات هنوز در سرم موج مي‌خورد، چند بار به خيال پردازيهاي كودكانه ام خنديده‌اي و گفتي روياي دور از دسترس جز رنج به همراه ندارد؟ و چند بار جواب داده‌ام كه با روياهايم- همين روياهاي دور از دسترس- زنده و شادم؟

ديشب كه باز خواب از چشمانم فراري شده بود فهميدم من هرگز تنها نبوده ام...مردي كه اين شعر را ميخواند هم عاشق رويايي دور بوده...ميبيني؟

I have been in love and been alone

I have traveled over many miles to find a home

There’s that little place inside of me

That I never thought could take control of everything

But now I just spend all my time

With anyone who makes me feel the way she does

‘cause I only feel alive when I dream at night

Even though she’s not real it’s all right

cause I only feel alive when I dream at night

Every move that she makes holds my eyes

And I fall for her every time

I’ve so many things I want to say

I’ll be ready when the perfect moment comes my way

I had never known what’s right for me

‘til the night she opened up my heart and set it free

But now I just spend all my time

With anyone who makes me feel the way she does

Now I just spend all my time

With anyone who makes me feel the way she does

cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Even though she’s not real it’s all right
cause I only feel alive when I dream at night
Every move that she makes holds my eyes
And I fall for her every time

آهنگ را با صداي مارك آنتوني ميتوانيد اينجا بشنويد